Bridging Brain-Body-Health
Cognitive Health and Dementia Prevention
My mission is to be the first woman in 4 generations to not develop Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). On my journey of discovering ways to mitigate my risk, I pass this information on to you in this Brain Body Health (BBH) Newsletter.
Dr. Betty specializes in the fields of brain health, cognitive resiliency, genetics, and mental health.
Read Dr. Betty’s family story of Alzheimer’s Disease.
Dr. Betty
Coaching Sessions & Speaking
Brain-Body-Health functions as a resource to educate the public about the importance of addressing the pandemic of dementia. Statistics show that 1 in 2 people will develop dementia by 85. We can alter this trajectory by taking specific actions addressing Sleep, Learning, Exercise, Diet, Stress, and Toxic Exposure.
Dr. Betty is available for speaking engagements and consultations.
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Start to take better care of your brain, your body, and your health with current research. Dr. Betty Lacy will be sharing her lessons from coaching, science, and from life to deliver useful information surrounding brain health.
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